Tutorial 1: Single cell simulation with current injection (with BioNet)¶
In this example we will build a network consisting of a single biophysically detailed cell. Then we will run a short simulation with a current injection at the soma of the cell, then look at the output of spikes, membrane potential and calcium flux.
Note - scripts and files for running this tutorial can be found in the directory sources/chapter01/
requirements: * Python 2.7, 3.6+ * bmtk * NEURON 7.4+
1. Building the network¶
The first step is to use the bmtk Network Builder to create and save the network. First we instantiate a network with a name or our choosing (since throughout this tutorial we will use cell models from the mouse cortex, let’s call our network ‘mcortex’).
Once we have initialized a network object, we can add a single node by calling the add_nodes method.
from bmtk.builder.networks import NetworkBuilder
net = NetworkBuilder('mcortex')
Some of the parameters used to create the node are optional and only for our benefit. Others are necessary for when we will eventually run a simulation: * cell_name (optional) - Name/type of cell we will be modeling. * potential (optional) - Use to indicate that it is an excitatory type cell. * model_type - Used by the simulator to indicate that we are using a biophysical cell. * model template - NEURON .hoc file, NeuroML file, or other template used in the creation of cell/node object. * model_processing - A custom function used by the simulator to load the model into NEURON using Allen Cell Types files for perisomatic models. * dynamics_params - Model parameters. File will be downloaded from the Allen Cell Types Database. * morphology - Model morphology. File will be downloaded from the Allen Cell Types Database.
Building and saving¶
The final thing to do is to build and save the network. If successful, we should see a combination of hdf5 and csv files in the ‘./network’ directory, these files are used describe the network, and can be saved, stored and run at a later date.
First, it’s a good idea to remove any old files in the “network” folder so they don’t interfere with the current simulation.
$ rm -r sim_ch01/network
If you get the output:
rm: cannot remove sim_ch01/network/*: No such file or directory
It’s OK. Keep going.
Use the NetworkBuilder nodes() method to show that a node of our parameters was created
for node in net.nodes():
{'cell_name': 'Scnn1a_473845048', 'potential': 'exc', 'model_type': 'biophysical', 'model_template': 'ctdb:Biophys1.hoc', 'model_processing': 'aibs_perisomatic', 'dynamics_params': '472363762_fit.json', 'morphology': 'Scnn1a_473845048_m.swc', 'node_type_id': 100, 'node_id': 0}
2. Setting up the simulator environment¶
Now that the network has been built, we can use the BioNet simulator to setup and run it using NEURON. The easiest ways to do this is to copy and modify existing simulation setup, or use the bmtk.utils.sim_setup
script which can be called from the command-line
$ python -m bmtk.utils.sim_setup --report-vars v,cai \
--network sim_ch01/network/ \
--iclamp 0.12,500.0,1000.0 \
--dt 0.1 --tstop 2000.0 \
--include-examples \
--compile-mechanisms \
bionet sim_ch01
Or call the function directly in Python:
from bmtk.utils.sim_setup import build_env_bionet
base_dir='sim_ch01', # Where to save the scripts and config files
config_file='config.json', # Where main config will be saved.
network_dir='network', # Location of directory containing network files
tstop=2000.0, dt=0.1, # Run a simulation for 2000 ms at 0.1 ms intervals
report_vars=['v', 'cai'], # Tells simulator we want to record membrane potential and calcium traces
current_clamp={ # Creates a step current from 500.0 ms to 1500.0 ms
'amp': 0.120,
'delay': 500.0,
'duration': 1000.0
include_examples=True, # Copies components files for tutorial examples
compile_mechanisms=True # Will try to compile NEURON mechanisms
WARNING:root:Configuration file /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/config.json already exists, skipping. Please delete existing file, use a different name, or use overwrite_config=True.
WARNING:root:Configuration file /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/circuit_config.json already exists, skipping. Please delete existing file, use a different name, or use overwrite_config=True.
WARNING:root:Configuration file /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/simulation_config.json already exists, skipping. Please delete existing file, use a different name, or use overwrite_config=True.
Mod files: "modfiles/CaDynamics.mod" "modfiles/Ca_HVA.mod" "modfiles/Ca_LVA.mod" "modfiles/Ih.mod" "modfiles/Im.mod" "modfiles/Im_v2.mod" "modfiles/Kd.mod" "modfiles/K_P.mod" "modfiles/K_T.mod" "modfiles/Kv2like.mod" "modfiles/Kv3_1.mod" "modfiles/Nap.mod" "modfiles/NaTa.mod" "modfiles/NaTs.mod" "modfiles/NaV.mod" "modfiles/SK.mod" "modfiles/vecevent.mod"
-> Compiling mod_func.cpp
-> NMODL ../modfiles/CaDynamics.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/Ca_HVA.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/Ca_LVA.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/Ih.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/Im.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/Im_v2.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/Kd.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/K_P.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/K_T.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/Kv2like.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/Kv3_1.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/Nap.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/NaTa.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/NaTs.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/NaV.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/SK.mod
-> NMODL ../modfiles/vecevent.mod
-> Compiling CaDynamics.c
-> Compiling Ca_HVA.c
-> Compiling Ca_LVA.c
-> Compiling Ih.c
-> Compiling Im.c
-> Compiling Im_v2.c
-> Compiling Kd.c
Translating Ca_HVA.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/Ca_HVA.c
Translating Ca_LVA.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/Ca_LVA.c
Translating CaDynamics.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/CaDynamics.c
Thread Safe
Thread Safe
Thread Safe
Translating Ih.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/Ih.c
Translating Im.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/Im.c
Translating Im_v2.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/Im_v2.c
Thread Safe
Thread Safe
Thread Safe
Translating Kd.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/Kd.c
Translating K_P.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/K_P.c
Translating K_T.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/K_T.c
Thread Safe
Thread Safe
Thread Safe
Translating Kv2like.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/Kv2like.c
Translating Kv3_1.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/Kv3_1.c
Translating Nap.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/Nap.c
Thread Safe
Thread Safe
Thread Safe
Translating NaTa.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/NaTa.c
Translating NaTs.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/NaTs.c
Translating NaV.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/NaV.c
Thread Safe
Thread Safe
NEURON's CVode method ignores conservation
Notice: LINEAR is not thread safe.
Translating SK.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/SK.c
Translating vecevent.mod into /home/ping/bmtk_change/bmtk/docs/tutorial/sim_ch01/components/mechanisms/x86_64/vecevent.c
Notice: VERBATIM blocks are not thread safe
Thread Safe
-> Compiling K_P.c
-> Compiling K_T.c
-> Compiling Kv2like.c
-> Compiling Kv3_1.c
-> Compiling Nap.c
-> Compiling NaTa.c
-> Compiling NaTs.c
-> Compiling NaV.c
-> Compiling SK.c
-> Compiling vecevent.c
=> LINKING shared library ./libnrnmech.so
Successfully created x86_64/special
Warning: You may see an error that it failed while trying to compile the NEURON mechanisms - especially if Jupyter is unable to find your NEURON environment path. If this happens you will need to manually compile the mechanisms:
cd sim_ch01/components/mechanisms
nrnivmodl modfiles
This will create the directory sim_ch01 (feel free to give it a better name or set it to a different locations) with a number of new files and folders. Some of the more important ones include: * circuit_config.json - A configuration file that contains the location of the network files we created above, and the location of neuron and synaptic models, templates, morphologies and mechanisms required to build and instantiate individual cell models.
simulation_config.json - contains information about the simulation. Including initial conditions and run-time configuration (run and conditions). In the inputs section we define what external sources we will use to drive the network (in this case a current clamp). And in the reports section we define the variables (somatic membrane potential and calcium level) that will be recorded during the simulation.
components/biophysical_neuron_models/472363762_fit.json - The parameter file for the cell we’re modeling. Originally downloaded from the Allen Cell Types Database
components/biophysical_neuron_models/Scnn1a_473845048_m.swc - The morphology file for our cell. Originally downloaded from the Allen Cell Types Database
Modifying these files with a text editor, or swapping out different parameter or morphologies, allows for changing the simulation without extra programming.
3. Running the simulation¶
Once our config file is setup we can run a simulation either through the command line:
$ cd sim_ch01
$ python run_bionet.py config.json
or through the script
from bmtk.simulator import bionet
conf = bionet.Config.from_json('sim_ch01/config.json')
net = bionet.BioNetwork.from_config(conf)
sim = bionet.BioSimulator.from_config(conf, network=net)
2022-07-28 12:16:11,159 [INFO] Created log file
INFO:NEURONIOUtils:Created log file
2022-07-28 12:16:11,226 [INFO] Building cells.
INFO:NEURONIOUtils:Building cells.
2022-07-28 12:16:11,393 [INFO] Building recurrent connections
INFO:NEURONIOUtils:Building recurrent connections
2022-07-28 12:16:11,402 [INFO] Running simulation for 2000.000 ms with the time step 0.100 ms
INFO:NEURONIOUtils:Running simulation for 2000.000 ms with the time step 0.100 ms
2022-07-28 12:16:11,403 [INFO] Starting timestep: 0 at t_sim: 0.000 ms
INFO:NEURONIOUtils:Starting timestep: 0 at t_sim: 0.000 ms
2022-07-28 12:16:11,404 [INFO] Block save every 5000 steps
INFO:NEURONIOUtils:Block save every 5000 steps
2022-07-28 12:16:11,692 [INFO] step:5000 t_sim:500.00 ms
INFO:NEURONIOUtils: step:5000 t_sim:500.00 ms
2022-07-28 12:16:12,006 [INFO] step:10000 t_sim:1000.00 ms
INFO:NEURONIOUtils: step:10000 t_sim:1000.00 ms
2022-07-28 12:16:12,299 [INFO] step:15000 t_sim:1500.00 ms
INFO:NEURONIOUtils: step:15000 t_sim:1500.00 ms
2022-07-28 12:16:12,603 [INFO] step:20000 t_sim:2000.00 ms
INFO:NEURONIOUtils: step:20000 t_sim:2000.00 ms
2022-07-28 12:16:12,627 [INFO] Simulation completed in 1.225 seconds
INFO:NEURONIOUtils:Simulation completed in 1.225 seconds
Warning: If you get the following error argument not a density mechanism name, you will need to compile the NEURON mechanisms
cd sim_ch01/components/mechanisms
nrnivmodl modfiles
A quick breakdown of the script:
conf = config.from_json('config.json')
This section loads the configuration file, it sets up the output directory and files for writing during the simulation, and loads NEURON mechanisms needed by the cell model(s) during the simulation.
net = bionet.BioNetwork.from_config(conf)
Creates a NEURON representation of the network, including cell models that have been converted into their NEURON equivalents.
sim = Simulation.from_config(conf, network=net)
Sets up and runs the NEURON simulation. When finished, the outputs (e.g., spike times, membrane potential, and Ca2+ concentration) will be saved into the output directory as specified in the config.
4. Analyzing the run¶
The results of the simulation are placed into various files as specified in the “output” section of the config file. We can change this before run-time if required.
All simulations will save the spike times of the network cells. These are saved in csv format (output/spikes.txt) or hdf5 format(output/spikes.h5). To get the table of spike times for our single-cell network we can run the following method from the analyzer (node_id 0 corresponds to our single cell).
from bmtk.analyzer.spike_trains import to_dataframe
timestamps | node_ids | population | |
0 | 554.8 | 0 | mcortex |
1 | 1379.5 | 0 | mcortex |
2 | 1319.5 | 0 | mcortex |
3 | 1259.5 | 0 | mcortex |
4 | 1199.5 | 0 | mcortex |
5 | 1139.7 | 0 | mcortex |
6 | 1079.9 | 0 | mcortex |
7 | 1020.4 | 0 | mcortex |
8 | 961.2 | 0 | mcortex |
9 | 902.6 | 0 | mcortex |
10 | 844.9 | 0 | mcortex |
11 | 788.7 | 0 | mcortex |
12 | 734.7 | 0 | mcortex |
13 | 683.9 | 0 | mcortex |
14 | 637.1 | 0 | mcortex |
15 | 594.4 | 0 | mcortex |
16 | 1439.6 | 0 | mcortex |
17 | 1499.7 | 0 | mcortex |
When setting up the environment and config file we specified cell_vars=[‘v’, ‘cai’]. This indicates to the simulator to also record membrane potential and Ca2+ level (and we can also specify other variables as long as they are supported in NEURON).
from bmtk.analyzer.compartment import plot_traces
_ = plot_traces(config_file='sim_ch01/config.json', node_ids=[0], report_name='v_report')
_ = plot_traces(config_file='sim_ch01/config.json', node_ids=[0], report_name='cai_report')
5. Additional Information¶
Changing run-time parameters.¶
By making changes to the config file, we can change the conditions and simulation parameters without having to rebuild the network, modify parameter files, or change our run_bionet script. In fact we can iteratively run multiple simulations without any extra coding, only a text editor to change the json file.
The run section of the config.json contains most of the parameters unique to the simulation:
"run": {
"dL": 20,
"nsteps_block": 5000,
"spike_threshold": -15,
"tstop": 2000.0,
"dt": 0.1
tstop - Simulation runtime in milliseconds.
dt - Time steps of the simulation. Decreasing dt should increase accuracy of firing dynamics, but also increase time it takes to complete.
spike_threshold - Used to determine when to count an action potential
dL - Length of segments in a section. The number of segments will be forced to an odd number so the actual length may vary.
Through the conditions section we can adjust simulation temperature (C) and the initial membrane potential of the cells:
"conditions": {
"celsius": 34.0,
"v_init": -80
And lastly, the input section lets us control stimulus onto the network. There are a number of different options which will be explained in the following tutorials. But even with a simple current injection we can adjust amplitude, delay and stimulation duration and measure the effect on the cell.
"inputs": {
"current_clamp": {
"input_type": "current_clamp",
"module": "IClamp",
"node_set": "all",
"amp": 0.120,
"delay": 500.0,
"duration": 1000.0
We can even add multiple injections
"inputs": {
"cclamp1": {
"input_type": "current_clamp",
"module": "IClamp",
"node_set": "all",
"amp": 0.150,
"delay": 0.0,
"duration": 400.0
"cclamp2": {
"input_type": "current_clamp",
"module": "IClamp",
"node_set": "all",
"amp": 0.300,
"delay": 500.0,
"duration": 400.0
"cclamp3": {
"input_type": "current_clamp",
"module": "IClamp",
"node_set": "all",
"amp": 0.450,
"delay": 1000.0,
"duration": 400.0
Changing cell models¶
When building the network we defined the cell model and morphology through the ‘dynamics_params’ and ‘morphology_file’ options. After building and saving the network, these values were saved in the node-types csv file.
import pandas as pd
pd.read_csv('sim_ch01/network/mcortex_node_types.csv', sep=' ')
node_type_id | model_template | morphology | model_processing | potential | model_type | dynamics_params | cell_name | |
0 | 100 | ctdb:Biophys1.hoc | Scnn1a_473845048_m.swc | aibs_perisomatic | exc | biophysical | 472363762_fit.json | Scnn1a_473845048 |
If we want to run the simulation on a different cell model, all we have to do is: 1. Download new parameters.json and morphology.swc into components/biophysical_neuron_models and components/morphologies 2. Open mcortex_node_types.csv in a text editor and update ‘morphology_file’ and ‘params_file’ accordingly.
In our simple one-cell example, it is likely faster to just rebuild the network. However the advantage of the use of the node types becomes clear once we start dealing with a larger network. For example we may have a network of hundreds of thousands of individual cells with tens of thousands of Scnn1a type cells. The process of adjusting/changing the Scnn1a parameter in the csv then starting another simulation only takes seconds, whereas rebuilding the entire network may take hours.